spectrum management, radio and telecommunications services
JRC & FCS Business Radio 19
JRC & FCS Business Radio Event & JAG Meeting 19
The JRC & FCS Business Radio event took place on 14th November 2019 at Chateaux Impney in Droitwich.
From the outset, the BR industry has delivered high resilience communications to a very wide range of users who need these types of solutions to support their operations. This is what we do and we are very successful.
But, as the FCS members predicted, the world is changing very quickly. The whole sector continues to grow. But, to continue to grow, we will need new solutions and to remain flexible in our business practices. JRC & FCS Event was to see that data solutions are rising and will continue to rise in importance, especially in situations where operations is integrated with information systems. A whole host of other changes to the customer needs and the commercial environment are becoming apparent. The conference provided the prime opportunity for delegats to hear from the key influencers in the industry.
The BR Conference was accompanied by the BR Exhibition that was held in the Main Hall. This exhibition allowed delegates to examine the latest products and services available from the major actors within the market-place supply community and solution providers.
Again for 2019, the FCS & JRC had taken care to provide delegates plenty of opportunity to network with colleagues and to discuss matters with suppliers.
JRC recently held a JAG Meeting 24 Jan 2020 at Westica Glasgow, Scotland.
Advance notice for future Meetings:
JAG Meeting, Ofcom Baldock Site, 1st July 2020
JRC Annual Conference, September 2020 (date tbc)
Utilities Workshop in collaboration with FCS, 5th November 2020
JAG Meeting, Chateau Impney, 6th November 2020